In order to view sales you need to be logged in
To enter the page for viewing sales and relevant sales information go to https://kanah.al/books/sales (instead of /books/ it can also be /audiobooks/, /summaries/ or /stories/).
Or you can also navigate from any page by clicking on the profile area and then selecting Sales:
The sales page looks like this:
Details for each field
All time income: The total income you have generated since the first sale on kanah until now.
Total sales: The total sales from the beginning until now.
Current balance: The income in dollars (USD) you have generated that you have not withdrawn yet.
Current sales: The number of sales from which you have not withdrawn the earnings yet.
A `WITHDRAW MONEY` button will show when your current balance reaches the required minimum amount for withdrawal.
SALES: In this section you can browse all sales made.
WITHDRAWALS: In this section you can browse all withdrawals.
BANK DETAILS: In this section you fill your bank details in order to be able to withdraw earnings from your sales.
TARIFFS: In this section you can view the available tariff for your sales. A tariff is a combined percentage and fixed amount that kanah takes from your earnings.
Add bank details
In the BANK DETAILSsection you need to fill in your personal and your bank details in order to be able to withdraw earnings from your sales.
Details for each field
YOUR DETAILS Here you fill in your personal details that are used for your bank account, such as name, street, city, ZIP code and country.
BANK DETAILS Here you fill in your bank details such as bank name, street, city, ZIP code and country and your bank account details such as SWIFT/BIC code and IBAN.
Example: Bank details
The details here are made up for demo purposes
In this section you can view the available tariff for your sales. A tariff is a combined percentage and fixed amount that kanah takes from your earnings. (Sorry about that.)
All tariffs in the following screenshots are just an example and do not represent the current tariffs on kanah.
Open the sales page for your account to see the actual tariffs
During promotional periods there might be other types of tariffs:
Special tariff: A special tariff will be applied for all your sales for a certain period of time.
Specific tariff: A specific tariff will be applied to one ebook/audiobook for a certain period of time.
In order to be able to withdraw your earnings, first you need to fill your bank details.
Initially you might not have sufficient sales for withdrawing.
The sales here are just an example and do not represent actual sales or books available
After you have sufficient sales you are able to withdraw your earnings, in which case click on WITHDRAW MONEY:
Click on WITHDRAWALS tab to view pending withdrawals.
If you want to cancel the latest withdrawal, click on CANCEL WITHDRAW:
After your earnings have been sent to your bank account, the withdraw status will change to success: