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In order to add a sponsor you need to be logged in

To enter the page for adding a sponsor go to (instead of /books/ it can also be /audiobooks/, /summaries/ or /stories/).

Alternatively, you can also navigate from the homepage by clicking on ebooks or whichever of the four options, then click Browse and after that select sponsors from the browse options.


And then you click on ADD NEW SPONSOR.


Add sponsor details

In this page you can add all the details now or fill and change them later.


Details for each field

Upload image: Select and upload an image to set a picture for the sponsor.

Name: The name of the sponsor. This is required and cannot be empty.

Description: A description of the sponsor.

URL: The internet address of the sponsor.

Country: The country which the sponsor associates with.

SAVE: If all details are filled in clicking this will create the page for the sponsor.


Example: Sponsor details

The sponsor picture is for educational purpose only and we do not claim the rights to this picture.



If you clicked on SAVE in the previous page you will be directed to the sponsor page, which looks something like this:


Details for each option

Edit: Change details about the sponsor such as name, description etc.

Delete: The sponsor page will be deleted. This action cannot be undone.


Published sponsor page

After the sponsor page has been approved, other users will be able to see it, which looks something like this: